Source code for meerqat.viz.umap

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Usage: <dataset> <key> <output> [<config>]"""
from docopt import docopt
import json
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import umap

from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, save
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, ColumnDataSource, LinearColorMapper, ColorBar

from datasets import load_from_disk

import ranx

import urllib
from import thumbnail_to_file_name, file_name_to_thumbnail

[docs]def reduce(embeddings, metric='cosine'): reducer = umap.UMAP(metric=metric) reduced_embeddings = reducer.transform(embeddings) return reduced_embeddings
[docs]def fplot(reduced_embeddings, figsize=(20,20), alpha=0.5, s=5): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) ax.scatter(reduced_embeddings[:, 0], reduced_embeddings[:, 1], alpha=alpha, s=s) return fig
[docs]def iplot(reduced_embeddings, dataset, urls, input_key='input', thumb_width=128, title='UMAP projection', plot_width=600, plot_height=600, tools=('pan, wheel_zoom, reset'), line_alpha=0.6, fill_alpha=0.6, size=4, metric=None, palette='Viridis256'): thumbnails = [file_name_to_thumbnail(thumbnail_to_file_name(urllib.parse.unquote(url)), thumb_width) for url in urls] df = pd.DataFrame(reduced_embeddings, columns=('x', 'y')) if input_key is None: df['text'] = ['']*len(dataset) else: df['text'] = dataset[input_key] df['image'] = thumbnails if metric is not None: df[metric] = dataset[metric] cmap = LinearColorMapper(palette=palette, low = df[metric].min(), high = df[metric].max()) fill_color = {'field': metric, 'transform': cmap} else: fill_color = 'gray' cmap = None datasource = ColumnDataSource(df) fig = figure(title=title, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, tools=tools) fig.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=""" <div> <div> <img src='@image' style='float: left; margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px'/> </div> <div> <span style='font-size: 10px'>@text</span> </div> </div> """)) 'x', 'y', source=datasource, line_alpha=line_alpha, fill_alpha=fill_alpha, size=size, fill_color=fill_color ) if cmap is not None: cb = ColorBar(color_mapper = cmap) fig.add_layout(cb, 'right') return fig
[docs]def get_ranx_run(qrels_path, run_path, metric='mrr'): qrels = ranx.Qrels.from_file(qrels_path) run = ranx.Run.from_file(run_path) ranx.evaluate(qrels, run, metrics=metric) return run, metric
[docs]def main(dataset, key, output_path, image_kb=None, shard=None, url_key='url', reduce_kwargs={}, fplot_kwargs={}, iplot_kwargs={}, ranx_kwargs=None, face=False): output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if shard is not None: dataset = dataset.shuffle(seed=0).shard(shard, 0) if face: dataset = dataset.filter(lambda x: x is not None, input_columns=key) embeddings = np.array([x[0] for x in dataset[key]]) else: embeddings = np.array(dataset[key]) # add features from the image KB if image_kb is not None: image_kb = load_from_disk(image_kb) print(image_kb) indices = dataset['index'] print(len(indices)) urls =[url_key] print(len(urls)) else: urls = dataset[url_key] if ranx_kwargs is not None: ranx_run, metric = get_ranx_run(**ranx_kwargs) item: {metric: ranx_run.scores[metric][item["id"]]}) else: ranx_run, metric = None, None reduced_embeddings = reduce(embeddings, **reduce_kwargs) ffig = fplot(reduced_embeddings, **fplot_kwargs) ffig.savefig(output_path/f"umap_{key}.png") ifig = iplot(reduced_embeddings, dataset, urls=urls, metric=metric, **iplot_kwargs) output_file(output_path/f"umap_{key}.html") save(ifig)
if __name__ == '__main__': args = docopt(__doc__) dataset = load_from_disk(args['<dataset>']) config_path = args['<config>'] if config_path is not None: with open(config_path, 'rt') as file: config = json.load(file) else: config = {} output_path = Path(args['<output>']) main(dataset, args['<key>'], output_path, **config)