Script and classes to search. Built upon datasets (itself wrapping FAISS and ElasticSearch).
search.py <dataset> <config> [--k=<k> --disable_caching --metrics=<path>]
Positional arguments:
1. <dataset> Path to the dataset
2. <config> Path to the JSON configuration file (passed as kwargs)
--k=<k> Hyperparameter to search for the k nearest neighbors [default: 100].
--disable_caching Disables Dataset caching (useless when using save_to_disk), see datasets.set_caching_enabled()
--metrics=<path> Path to the directory to save the results of the run and evaluation
import warnings
from docopt import docopt
import json
import re
from pathlib import Path
import enum
import numpy as np
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
except ImportError as e:
warnings.warn(f"ImportError: {e}")
from pyserini.search.lucene import LuceneSearcher
except ImportError as e:
warnings.warn(f"ImportError: {e}")
from datasets import load_from_disk, set_caching_enabled
from datasets.search import ElasticSearchIndex, FaissIndex
import ranx
from .metrics import find_relevant
from .fuse import Fusion
from ..data.utils import json_integer_keys
from ..data.infoseek import QuestionType
[docs]def L2norm(queries):
"""Normalize each query to have a unit-norm. Expects a batch of vectors of the same dimension"""
norms = np.linalg.norm(queries, axis=1, keepdims=True)
return queries/norms
[docs]class IndexKind(enum.Enum):
ES = 1
[docs]class Index:
Dataclass to hold information about an index (either FaissIndex or ESIndex)
key: str
Associated key in the dataset where the queries are stored
kind: IndexKind, optional
do_L2norm: bool, optional
Whether to apply ``L2norm`` to the queries
Difficult to create a hierarchy like FaissIndex and ESIndex since public methods,
such as search_batch, are defined in Dataset and take as input the index name.
def __init__(self, key, kind=IndexKind.FAISS, do_L2norm=False):
self.key = key
self.kind = kind
self.do_L2norm = do_L2norm
# TODO replace do_L2norm by
# In [43]: projected = kb._indexes['sscd_disc_mixup'].faiss_index.sa_encode.sa_encode(foo)
#...: projected = np.frombuffer(projected, dtype=np.float32).reshape(1,512)
[docs]class KnowledgeBase:
A KB can be indexed by several indexes.
kb_path: str, optional
Path to the Dataset holding the KB
index_mapping_path: str, optional
Path to the JSON file mapping KB articles to its corresponding passages indices
many2one: str, optional
strategy to apply in case of many2one mapping (e.g. multiple passages to article)
Choose from {'max'}. Has no effect if index_mapping_path is None.
Defaults assume that mapping is one2many (e.g. article to multiple passages)
so it will overwrite results in iteration order if it is not the case.
index_kwargs: dict, optional
Each key identifies an Index and each value is passed to ``add_or_load_index``
es_client: Elasticsearch, optional
load_dataset: bool, optional
This is useful for hyperparameter search if you want to use pre-computed results (see ir.hp)
def __init__(self, kb_path=None, index_mapping_path=None, many2one=None, index_kwargs={},
es_client=None, load_dataset=True):
if load_dataset:
self.dataset = load_from_disk(kb_path)
# This is useful for hyperparameter search if you want to use pre-computed results (see ir.hp).
self.dataset = None
self.es_client = es_client
# N. B. this dict[Index] holds extra informations about the indexes.
# to access actual HF indexes, use self.dataset._indexes
self.indexes = {}
if index_mapping_path is None:
self.index_mapping = None
with open(index_mapping_path, 'rt') as file:
# convert all keys to int (JSON unfortunately does not support integer keys)
self.index_mapping = json.load(file, object_hook=json_integer_keys)
self.many2one = many2one
for index_name, index_kwarg in index_kwargs.items():
self.add_or_load_index(index_name=index_name, **index_kwarg)
[docs] def pyserini_search_batch(self, index_name, queries, k=100, threads=10):
qids = [str(i) for i in range(len(queries))]
results_batch = self.indexes[index_name].searcher.batch_search(queries, qids, k=k, threads=threads)
scores_batch, indices_batch = [[] for _ in range(len(queries))], [[] for _ in range(len(queries))]
for i, results in results_batch.items():
i = int(i)
for result in results:
return scores_batch, indices_batch
[docs] def search_batch(self, index_name, queries, k=100):
"""Pre-process queries according to index before computing self.dataset.search_batch"""
index = self.indexes[index_name]
# search through pyserini or datasets
if index.kind == IndexKind.PYSERINI:
return self.pyserini_search_batch(index_name, queries, k=k)
# N. B. should be equivalent to isinstance(self.dataset._indexes[index_name], FaissIndex)
elif index.kind == IndexKind.FAISS:
queries = np.array(queries, dtype=np.float32)
if index.do_L2norm:
queries = L2norm(queries)
return self.dataset.search_batch(index_name, queries, k=k)
[docs] def search_batch_if_not_None(self, index_name, queries, k=100):
"""Filters out queries that are None and runs ``search_batch`` for the rest."""
# 1. filter out queries that are None
scores_batch, indices_batch = [], []
not_None_queries, not_None_queries_indices = [], []
for i, query in enumerate(queries):
# default to empty (i.e. no result with None query)
# will be overwritten for not_None_queries
if query is not None:
if not not_None_queries:
return scores_batch, indices_batch
# 2. search as usual for queries that are not None
not_None_scores_batch, not_None_indices_batch = self.search_batch(index_name, not_None_queries, k=k)
# 3. return the results in a list of list with proper indices
for j, i in enumerate(not_None_queries_indices):
scores_batch[i] = not_None_scores_batch[j]
indices_batch[i] = not_None_indices_batch[j]
return scores_batch, indices_batch
[docs] def add_or_load_index(self, column=None, index_name=None, kind=None, key=None, **index_kwarg):
Calls either ``add_or_load_elasticsearch_index`` or ``add_or_load_faiss_index``according to es.
Unless column is None, then it does not actually add the index.
This is useful for hyperparameter search if you want to use pre-computed results (see ir.hp).
column: str
Name/key of the column that holds the pre-computed embeddings.
index_name: str, optional
Index identifier. Defaults to ``column``
kind: IndexKind, optional
Passed to ``add_or_load_elasticsearch_index`` or ``add_or_load_faiss_index``
if kind is None:
kind = IndexKind.FAISS
kind = IndexKind[kind]
if index_name is None:
index_name = column
if kind==IndexKind.ES:
do_L2norm = False
self.indexes[index_name] = Index(key=key, kind=kind, do_L2norm=do_L2norm)
self.add_or_load_elasticsearch_index(column, index_name=index_name, **index_kwarg)
elif kind==IndexKind.PYSERINI:
do_L2norm = False
self.indexes[index_name] = Index(key=key, kind=kind, do_L2norm=do_L2norm)
self.add_or_load_pyserini_index(column, index_name=index_name, **index_kwarg)
do_L2norm = self.add_or_load_faiss_index(column, index_name=index_name, **index_kwarg)
self.indexes[index_name] = Index(key=key, kind=kind, do_L2norm=do_L2norm)
[docs] def add_or_load_faiss_index(self, column, index_name=None, load=False, save_path=None, string_factory=None, device=None, **kwargs):
column, index_name:
see add_or_load_index
load: bool, optional
Whether to ``load_faiss_index`` or ``add_faiss_index``
save_path: str, optional
Save index using ``self.dataset.save_faiss_index``
Defaults not to save.
string_factory: str, optional
see ``Dataset.add_faiss_index`` and https://github.com/facebookresearch/faiss/wiki/The-index-factory
device: int, optional
see ``Dataset.add_faiss_index``
Passed to ``load_faiss_index`` or ``add_faiss_index``
do_L2norm: bool
Inferred from string_factory. See Index.
if string_factory is not None and 'L2norm' in string_factory:
do_L2norm = True
do_L2norm = False
if load:
# HACK: fix L2-normalisation on GPU https://github.com/facebookresearch/faiss/issues/2010
if do_L2norm and device is not None:
# normalize the vectors
self.dataset = self.dataset.map(lambda batch: {column: L2norm(batch[column])}, batched=True)
# remove "L2norm" from string_factory
string_factory = re.sub(r"(,L2norm|L2norm[,]?)", "", string_factory)
if not string_factory:
string_factory = None
self.dataset.add_faiss_index(column, index_name=index_name, string_factory=string_factory, device=device, **kwargs)
# save FAISS index (so it can be loaded later)
if save_path is not None:
self.dataset.save_faiss_index(index_name, save_path)
return do_L2norm
[docs] def add_or_load_pyserini_index(self, column=None, index_name=None, save_path=None, k1=0.9, b=0.4):
column: placeholder
index_name: str
save_path: str
k1 : float
BM25 k1 parameter. (Default from pyserini)
b : float
BM25 b parameter. (Default from pyserini)
if column is not None:
warnings.warn(f"Unused parameter column={column}")
self.indexes[index_name].searcher = LuceneSearcher(save_path)
self.indexes[index_name].searcher.set_bm25(k1=k1, b=b)
[docs] def add_or_load_elasticsearch_index(self, column, index_name=None, load=False, **kwargs):
When loading, it will also check the settings and eventually update them (using put_settings)
column, index_name:
see add_or_load_index
load: bool, optional
Whether to ``load_elasticsearch_index`` or ``add_elasticsearch_index``
Passed to ``load_elasticsearch_index`` or ``add_elasticsearch_index``
if load:
self.dataset.load_elasticsearch_index(index_name=index_name, es_client=self.es_client, **kwargs)
# fix: settings are not actually used when loading an existing ES index
# TODO open an issue on HF to fix it upstream
settings = kwargs.get('es_index_config', {}).get('settings')
if settings is not None:
es_index = self.dataset._indexes[index_name]
es_index_name = es_index.es_index_name
self.es_client.indices.put_settings(settings, es_index_name)
self.dataset.add_elasticsearch_index(column, index_name=index_name, es_client=self.es_client, **kwargs)
[docs]class Searcher:
Aggregates several KnowledgeBases (KBs).
Searches through a dataset using all the indexes of all KnowledgeBases.
Fuses results of search with multiple indexes and compute metrics.
kb_kwargs: dict
Each key identifies a KB and each value is passed to KnowledgeBase
k: int, optional
Searches for the top-k results
reference_kb_path: str, optional
Path to the Dataset that hold the reference KB, used to evaluate the results.
If it is one of self.kbs, it will only get loaded once.
Defaults to evaluate only from the provided qrels (not recommanded).
reference_key: str, optional
Used to get the reference field in kb
Defaults to 'passage'
qrels: str, optional
Path to the qrels JSON file.
Defaults to start looking for relevant documents from scratch in self.reference_kb
At least one of {reference_kb_path, qrels} should be provided
request_timeout: int, optional
Timeout for Elasticsearch
es_client_kwargs: dict, optional
Passed to Elasticsearch
fusion_kwargs: dict, optional
Passed to Fusion (see fuse)
metrics_kwargs: dict, optional
Passed to ranx.compare.
Defaults to {"metrics": ["mrr@100", "precision@1", "precision@20", "hit_rate@20"]}
do_fusion: bool, optional
Whether to fuse results of the indexes. Defaults to True if their are multiple indexes.
qnonrels: str, optional
Path towards a JSON collection of irrelevant documents. Used as cache to make search faster.
Defaults to look for all results.
def __init__(self, kb_kwargs, k=100, reference_kb_path=None, reference_key='passage',
qrels=None, request_timeout=1000, es_client_kwargs={}, fusion_kwargs={},
metrics_kwargs={}, do_fusion=None, qnonrels=None):
self.k = k
self.kbs = {}
if qrels is None:
self.qrels = {}
with open(qrels, 'rt') as file:
self.qrels = json.load(file)
if qnonrels is None:
self.qnonrels = {}
with open(qnonrels, 'rt') as file:
self.qnonrels = json.load(file)
self.runs = {}
# FIXME maybe check if ES is needed before instantiating client?
# this does not require ES to run anyway
es_client = Elasticsearch("https://localhost:9200", timeout=request_timeout, **es_client_kwargs)
# load KBs used to search and index them
resolved_kb_paths = {}
for kb_path, kb_kwarg in kb_kwargs.items():
resolved_kb_path = Path(kb_path).expanduser().resolve()
if resolved_kb_path in resolved_kb_paths:
raise ValueError(f"'{kb_path}' and '{resolved_kb_paths[resolved_kb_path]}' resolve to the same path")
resolved_kb_paths[resolved_kb_path] = kb_path
kb = KnowledgeBase(kb_path, es_client=es_client, **kb_kwarg)
self.kbs[kb_path] = kb
# same as kb.dataset._indexes.keys()
index_names = kb.indexes.keys()
assert not (index_names & self.runs.keys()), "All KBs should have unique index names"
for index_name in index_names:
self.runs[index_name] = {}
assert not ({'search', 'fusion'} & self.runs.keys()), "'search', 'fusion' are reserved names"
if do_fusion is None and len(self.runs) > 1:
self.do_fusion = True
self.do_fusion = do_fusion
if self.do_fusion:
assert len(self.runs) > 1
# no reference KB
if reference_kb_path is None:
assert qrels is not None
warnings.warn("Didn't get a reference KB "
"-> will not be able to extend the annotation coverage "
"so results should be interpreted carefully.\n")
self.reference_kb = None
# (re)load reference KB so we can remove columns and make find_relevant faster
self.reference_kb = load_from_disk(reference_kb_path)
self.reference_kb = self.reference_kb.remove_columns([c for c in self.reference_kb.column_names if c != reference_key])
# N. B. the 'reference_kb' term is not so appropriate
# it is not an instance of KnowledgeBase but Dataset !
self.reference_key = reference_key
self.fusion_kwargs = fusion_kwargs
# I advise against using any kind of metric that uses recall (mAP, R-Precision, …) since we estimate
# relevant document on the go so the number of relevant documents will *depend on the systemS* you use
default_metrics_kwargs = dict(metrics=["mrr@100", "precision@1", "precision@20", "hit_rate@20"])
self.metrics_kwargs = default_metrics_kwargs
def __call__(self, batch):
"""Search using all indexes of all KBs registered in self.kbs"""
question_types = [QuestionType[question_type] for question_type in batch.get('question_type', ['String']*len(batch['id']))]
for kb in self.kbs.values():
for index_name, index in kb.indexes.items():
queries = batch[index.key]
# N. B. cannot use `None in queries` because
# "The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous."
if any(query is None for query in queries):
scores_batch, indices_batch = kb.search_batch_if_not_None(index_name, queries, k=self.k)
scores_batch, indices_batch = kb.search_batch(index_name, queries, k=self.k)
for q_id, scores, indices, gt, question_type in zip(batch['id'],
self.runs[index_name].setdefault(q_id, {})
for score, i in zip(scores, indices):
penalty = 0.0
if kb.index_mapping is not None:
for j in kb.index_mapping[i]:
j = str(j)
# assumes one2many mapping: simply overwrite any previous values
if kb.many2one is None:
self.runs[index_name][q_id][j] = score - penalty
penalty += 1e-8
# keep maximum score from many2one mapping
elif kb.many2one == 'max':
if j not in self.runs[index_name][q_id] or self.runs[index_name][q_id][j] < score:
self.runs[index_name][q_id][j] = score
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid value for many2one: '{kb.many2one}'. "
"Choose from {None, 'max'}"
self.runs[index_name][q_id][str(i)] = score
if len(self.runs[index_name][q_id]) >= self.k:
# are the retrieved documents relevant ?
if self.reference_kb is not None:
# extend relevant documents with the retrieved
# /!\ this means you should not compute/interpret recall as it will vary depending on the run/system
self.qrels.setdefault(q_id, {})
self.qnonrels.setdefault(q_id, {})
retrieved = self.runs[index_name][q_id].keys()-(self.qrels[q_id].keys()|self.qnonrels[q_id].keys())
_, relevant = find_relevant(
self.qrels[q_id].update({str(i): 1 for i in relevant})
self.qnonrels[q_id].update({i: 0 for i in retrieved-self.qrels[q_id].keys()})
return batch
[docs]def dataset_search(dataset, k=100, metric_save_path=None, map_kwargs={}, **kwargs):
Instantiates searcher, maps the dataset through it, then compute and saves metrics.
dataset: Dataset
k: int, optional
see Searcher
metric_save_path: str, optional
Path to the directory where to save the results qrels, runs and metrics of eval_dataset.
Defaults not to save.
map_kwargs: dict, optional
Passed to self.dataset.map
Passed to Searcher
searcher = Searcher(k=k, **kwargs)
# search expects a batch as input
dataset = dataset.map(searcher, batched=True, **map_kwargs)
# dict to ranx Qrels/Run
searcher.qrels = ranx.Qrels(searcher.qrels)
for name, run in searcher.runs.items():
searcher.runs[name] = ranx.Run(run, name=name)
# save qrels, metrics (in JSON and LaTeX), statistical tests, and runs.
if metric_save_path is not None:
if searcher.qnonrels is not None:
with open(metric_save_path/"qnonrels.json", 'wt') as file:
json.dump(searcher.qnonrels, file)
for index_name, run in searcher.runs.items():
# compute metrics
report = ranx.compare(
# save metrics (in JSON and LaTeX) and statistical tests
if metric_save_path is not None:
with open(metric_save_path/"metrics.tex", 'wt') as file:
# fuse the results of the searches
if searcher.do_fusion:
subcommand = searcher.fusion_kwargs.pop('subcommand')
subcommand_kwargs = searcher.fusion_kwargs.pop('subcommand_kwargs', {})
fuser = Fusion(
getattr(fuser, subcommand)(**subcommand_kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = docopt(__doc__)
dataset_path = args['<dataset>']
dataset = load_from_disk(dataset_path)
set_caching_enabled(not args['--disable_caching'])
config_path = args['<config>']
with open(config_path, 'r') as file:
config = json.load(file)
format_kwargs = config.pop('format', {})
k = int(args['--k'])
metric_save_path = Path(args['--metrics']) if args['--metrics'] is not None else None
dataset_search(dataset, k, metric_save_path=metric_save_path, **config)