Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--print_config [={comments,skip_null,skip_default}+]] [--qrels QRELS] [--runs RUNS] [--norm NORM] [--method METHOD] [--output OUTPUT] [--defmin DEFMIN]
               {fit,test} ...

  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --config CONFIG       Path to a configuration file.
  --print_config [={comments,skip_null,skip_default}+]
                        Print the configuration after applying all other arguments and exit.

Optimize fusion using ranx:
  --qrels QRELS, --qrels+ QRELS
                        (type: Union[str, List[str], null], default: null)
  --runs RUNS, --runs+ RUNS
                        (type: Optional[List[str]], default: null)
  --norm NORM, --norm+ NORM
                        (type: Union[str, null, List[Optional[str]]], default: zmuv)
  --method METHOD, --method+ METHOD
                        (type: Union[str, null, List[Optional[str]]], default: wsum)
  --output OUTPUT       (type: Optional[str], default: null)
  --defmin DEFMIN, --defmin+ DEFMIN
                        (type: Union[bool, null, List[Optional[bool]]], default: False)

  For more details of each subcommand add it as argument followed by --help.

    fit                 Finds best parameters
    test                Applies best parameters
from jsonargparse import CLI
from typing import List, Optional, Union
import yaml
from pathlib import Path
import json

import numpy as np

from numba import njit, prange, types
from numba.typed import List as TypedList, Dict as TypedDict
from ranx import fuse, optimize_fusion, Run, Qrels, evaluate

from import to_latex
from .metrics import fuse_qrels

# copied from ranx because private #

[docs]@njit(cache=True) def create_empty_results_dict(): return TypedDict.empty( key_type=types.unicode_type, value_type=types.float64, )
[docs]@njit(cache=True) def create_empty_results_dict_list(length): return TypedList([create_empty_results_dict() for _ in range(length)])
[docs]@njit(cache=True) def convert_results_dict_list_to_run(q_ids, results_dict_list): combined_run = TypedDict() for i, q_id in enumerate(q_ids): combined_run[q_id] = results_dict_list[i] return combined_run
[docs]@njit(cache=True) def extract_scores(results): """Extract the scores from a given results dictionary.""" scores = np.empty((len(results))) for i, v in enumerate(results.values()): scores[i] = v return scores
################ # custom norms # ################ @njit(cache=True) def _gzmuv_norm(results, mean_score, stdev_score): """Apply `gzmuv norm` to a given results dictionary.""" denominator = max(stdev_score, 1e-9) normalized_results = create_empty_results_dict() for doc_id in results.keys(): normalized_results[doc_id] = (results[doc_id] - mean_score) / ( denominator ) return normalized_results @njit(cache=True, parallel=True) def _gzmuv_norm_parallel(run): """Apply `zmuv norm` to a each results dictionary of a run in parallel.""" q_ids = TypedList(run.keys()) normalized_run = create_empty_results_dict_list(len(q_ids)) # FIXME getting error np.concatenate(): expecting a non-empty tuple of arrays, got ListType[array(float64, 1d, C)] # results_lengths = [len(results) for results in run.values()] # all_scores = TypedList([np.empty(l) for l in results_lengths]) # for i in prange(len(q_ids)): # all_scores[i] = extract_scores(run[q_ids[i]]) # all_scores = np.concatenate(list(all_scores)) # not very numba-esque hack all_scores = np.array([v for results in run.values() for v in results.values()]) mean_score = np.mean(all_scores) stdev_score = np.std(all_scores) for i in prange(len(q_ids)): normalized_run[i] = _gzmuv_norm(run[q_ids[i]], mean_score, stdev_score) return convert_results_dict_list_to_run(q_ids, normalized_run)
[docs]def gzmuv_norm(run): """Apply `gzmuv norm` to a run.""" normalized_run = Run() = = _gzmuv_norm_parallel( return normalized_run
[docs]def default_minimum(runs): # union results all_documents = {} for run in runs: for q_id, results in all_documents.setdefault(q_id, set()) all_documents[q_id] |= results.keys() # set default-minimum in runs for run in runs: for q_id, results in if len(results) == 0: continue minimum = min(results.values()) for d_id in all_documents[q_id]: results.setdefault(d_id, minimum) return runs
NORMS = { "gzmuv": gzmuv_norm } ################## # Main class/CLI # ##################
[docs]class Fusion: """Optimize fusion using ranx""" def __init__( self, qrels: Union[str, Path, Qrels, List[str]] = None, runs: Union[List[str], List[Run]] = None, norm: Union[Optional[str], List[Optional[str]]] = "zmuv", method: Union[Optional[str], List[Optional[str]]] = "wsum", output: Optional[str] = None, defmin: Optional[bool] = False ): if isinstance(qrels, Qrels) or qrels is None: self.qrels = qrels elif isinstance(qrels, (str, Path)): self.qrels = Qrels.from_file(qrels) else: self.qrels = fuse_qrels(qrels) if isinstance(runs[0], Run): self.runs = runs else: self.runs = [Run.from_file(run) for run in runs] if defmin: self.runs = default_minimum(self.runs) self.norm = norm self.method = method if output is not None: # FIXME: use jsonargparse Path instead of pathlib? output = Path(output) output.mkdir(exist_ok=True) self.output = output
[docs] def fit(self, metric: str = "mrr@100"): """Finds best parameters""" norms = [self.norm] if self.norm is None or isinstance(self.norm, str) else self.norm methods = [self.method] if self.method is None or isinstance(self.method, str) else self.method for norm in norms: # custom norm: do it as a pre-processing and disable ranx norm if norm in NORMS: runs = [NORMS[norm](run) for run in self.runs] norm_for_ranx = None else: runs = self.runs norm_for_ranx = norm for method in methods: best_params, report = optimize_fusion( qrels=self.qrels, runs=runs, norm=norm_for_ranx, method=method, metric=metric, return_optimization_report=True ) print(f"Norm: {norm}, Method: {method}. Best parameters: {best_params}.\n{report}") if self.output is not None: with open(self.output/f"{norm}_{method}_best_params.yaml", 'wt') as file: yaml.dump(json.loads(json.dumps(best_params)), file)
[docs] def test(self, best_params: dict, metrics: List[str] = None): """Applies best parameters""" if metrics is None: metrics = ["mrr@100", "precision@1", "precision@20", "hit_rate@20"] # custom norm: do it as a pre-processing and disable ranx norm if self.norm in NORMS: self.runs = [NORMS[self.norm](run) for run in self.runs] self.norm = None combined_run = fuse( runs=self.runs, norm=self.norm, method=self.method, params=best_params ) if self.output is not None:"test_run.json") if metrics is not None: print(to_latex(evaluate(self.qrels, combined_run, metrics))) return combined_run
if __name__ == '__main__': CLI(Fusion)