"""Usage: face_detection.py <dataset> [--save=<root_path> <model_config> --image_key=<image_key> --disable_caching --batch_size=<n>]
--image_key=<image_key> Used to index the dataset item [default: image]
--save=<root_path> Root path to save the detected face(s).
The face will actually be saved with the same file stem as the original image.
--disable_caching Disables Dataset caching (useless when using save_to_disk), see datasets.set_caching_enabled()
--batch_size=<n> Batch size for Dataset.map. The actual batches processed by the model are first grouped by image size. [default: 64]
from docopt import docopt
import json
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from datasets import load_from_disk, set_caching_enabled
from facenet_pytorch import MTCNN as facenet_MTCNN
from ..models.utils import device
from ..data.loading import COMMONS_PATH as IMAGE_PATH, load_image_batch
from ..data.wiki import VALID_ENCODING
[docs]class MTCNN(facenet_MTCNN):
"""Simply override forward to allow to return bounding boxes and landmarks"""
[docs] def forward(self, img, save_path=None, return_prob=False, return_box=False, return_landmarks=False):
"""Run MTCNN face detection on a PIL image or numpy array. This method performs both
detection and extraction of faces.
img {PIL.Image, np.ndarray, or list} -- A PIL image, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, or list.
Keyword Arguments:
save_path {str} -- An optional save path for the cropped image. Note that when
self.post_process=True, although the returned tensor is post processed, the saved
face image is not, so it is a true representation of the face in the input image.
If `img` is a list of images, `save_path` should be a list of equal length.
(default: {None})
return_prob {bool} -- Whether or not to return the detection probability.
(default: {False})
return_box {bool} -- Whether or not to return the bounding box.
(default: {False})
return_landmarks {bool} -- Whether or not to return the facial landmarks.
(default: {False})
Union[torch.Tensor, tuple(torch.tensor, float)] -- If detected, cropped image of a face
with dimensions 3 x image_size x image_size. Optionally, the probability that a
face was detected, the bounding box coordinates and facial landmarks associated.
If self.keep_all is True, n detected faces are returned in an
n x 3 x image_size x image_size tensor with an optional list of detection
probabilities. If `img` is a list of images, the item(s) returned have an extra
dimension (batch) as the first dimension.
>>> mtcnn = MTCNN()
>>> face_tensor, prob, box, landmarks = mtcnn(img, save_path='face.png',
# Detect faces
batch_boxes, batch_probs, batch_points = self.detect(img, landmarks=True)
# Select faces
if not self.keep_all:
batch_boxes, batch_probs, batch_points = self.select_boxes(
batch_boxes, batch_probs, batch_points, img, method=self.selection_method
# Extract faces
faces = self.extract(img, batch_boxes, save_path)
outputs = (faces, )
if return_prob:
outputs += (batch_probs, )
if return_box:
outputs += (batch_boxes, )
if return_landmarks:
outputs += (batch_points, )
# unpack the tuple if only the face was asked
if len(outputs) == 1:
return outputs[0]
return outputs
[docs]def detect_face(file_names, model, save_root_path=None):
images = load_image_batch(file_names)
# group images by size to allow MTCNN batch-processing
images_by_size = {}
for i, (image, file_name) in enumerate(zip(images, file_names)):
# trouble when loading the image
if image is None:
# if there are multiple faces, the actual save path will be
# save_root_path/f'{file_name}-{face_index}.jpg'
# https://github.com/timesler/facenet-pytorch/blob/54c869c51e0e3e12f7f92f551cdd2ecd164e2443/models/mtcnn.py#L488
# HACK: make save_path str because of facenet_pytorch/models/mtcnn.py/#L468
if save_root_path:
save_path = str((save_root_path/file_name).with_suffix('.jpg'))
save_path = None
images_by_size.setdefault(image.size, dict(images=[], save_paths=[], indices=[]))
prob_batch = [None for _ in range(len(file_names))]
box_batch, landmarks_batch = prob_batch.copy(), prob_batch.copy()
for size, batch in images_by_size.items():
# avoid exception when image size is smaller than model.min_face_size (keep the None default value)
# see https://github.com/timesler/facenet-pytorch/issues/176
if min(size) < model.min_face_size:
# extract the face and save them using facenet_pytorch
if save_root_path is not None:
faces, probs, boxes, landmarks = model(batch['images'], save_path=batch['save_paths'],
# no need to extract the faces
boxes, probs, landmarks = model.detect(batch['images'], landmarks=True)
# Select faces
if not model.keep_all:
boxes, probs, landmarks = model.select_boxes(
boxes, probs, landmarks, batch['images'], method=model.selection_method
# save the faces at the right index
for prob, box, landmark, i in zip(probs, boxes, landmarks, batch['indices']):
# HACK: convert to list to fix https://github.com/PaulLerner/ViQuAE/issues/1
prob_batch[i] = prob.tolist() if isinstance(prob, np.ndarray) else prob
box_batch[i] = box.tolist() if box is not None and isinstance(box, np.ndarray) else box
landmarks_batch[i] = landmark.tolist() if landmark is not None and isinstance(landmark, np.ndarray) else landmark
return prob_batch, box_batch, landmarks_batch
[docs]def dataset_detect_face(item, image_key='image', **kwargs):
prob, box, landmarks = detect_face(item[image_key], **kwargs)
item['face_prob'] = prob
item['face_box'] = box
item['face_landmarks'] = landmarks
return item
[docs]def dataset_detect_faces(dataset, batch_size=64, **kwargs):
dataset = dataset.map(dataset_detect_face, batched=True, fn_kwargs=kwargs, batch_size=batch_size)
return dataset
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = docopt(__doc__)
dataset_path = args['<dataset>']
dataset = load_from_disk(dataset_path)
model_config_path = args['<model_config>']
set_caching_enabled(not args['--disable_caching'])
batch_size = int(args['--batch_size'])
# default config
model_config = dict(
image_size=112, # for arcface
post_process=False, # normalization: will happen in arcface
select_largest=False, # select largest face VS select most probable face
keep_all=True, # keep all faces
# load specified config
if model_config_path is not None:
with open(model_config_path, 'r') as file:
model = MTCNN(**model_config)
image_key = args['--image_key']
save_root_path = args['--save']
if save_root_path is not None:
save_root_path = Path(save_root_path)
save_root_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
dataset = dataset_detect_faces(dataset, model=model, image_key=image_key,
save_root_path=save_root_path, batch_size=batch_size)