Source code for

# coding: utf-8
Used to manipulate the output of `Label Studio <>`_, see also
    - ``assign`` takes annotations out of the TODO list in a ``tasks.json`` file (input to LS)
    - ``save images`` similar to ``kilt2vqa download``, not used for the final dataset
    - ``merge`` merges several LS outputs, also compute inter-annotator agreement and saves disagreements
    - ``agree`` merges the output of ``merge`` along with the corrected disagreements

Usage: save images <path>... merge <output> <path>... assign <output> <todo> <start> <end> [--overlap=<n> --zip <config>...] agree <dataset> <agreements>

    --overlap=<n>           Number of questions to leave in todo [default: 0].
    --zip                   Whether to zip the output directory

import json
import warnings

from docopt import docopt
from tqdm import tqdm
from collections import Counter
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
from tabulate import tabulate
import requests

from .loading import COMMONS_PATH
from .wiki import save_image

[docs]def load_completions(completions_path): """Handles individual completions path and JSON exports""" completions_path = Path(completions_path) with open(completions_path, 'r') as file: completions = json.load(file) if not isinstance(completions, list): completions = [completions] return completions
[docs]def save_images(completions_paths): COMMONS_PATH.mkdir(exist_ok=True) counter = Counter() progress = tqdm() session = requests.Session() for completions_path in completions_paths: for completion in load_completions(completions_path): vqa = retrieve_vqa(completion) discard = vqa.pop("discard", None) if discard is not None: counter[discard] += 1 continue counter['ok'] += 1 save_image(vqa['image'], session) progress.update() progress.close() print(tabulate([counter], headers='keys'))
[docs]def merge(output_path, completions_paths): progress = tqdm() dataset = {} for completions_path in completions_paths: for completion in load_completions(completions_path): vqa = retrieve_vqa(completion) meerqat_id = vqa['meerqat_id'] dataset.setdefault(meerqat_id, []) dataset[meerqat_id].append(vqa) progress.update() progress.close() disagreements = annotator_agreement(dataset) with open(output_path, 'w') as file: json.dump(dataset, file) with open(output_path.parent/f"{output_path.stem}-disagreements.json", 'w') as file: json.dump(disagreements, file)
[docs]def annotator_agreement(dataset): """ Parameters ---------- dataset : dict[str, list] output of merge Returns ------- disagreements : dict questions of dataset where the annotators disagree on whether discarding the question or not """ disagreements = {} counter = Counter() # store binary discard predictions # n[i] stores the number of annotators who discard the question or not ns = {'binary_discard': [], 'binary_change_question': [], 'binary_change_image': []} Ps = {'binary_discard': [], 'binary_change_question': [], 'binary_change_image': []} do_kappa = True num_annotators_per_annotation = None for meerqat_id, vqas in dataset.items(): counter['total'] += 1 if len(vqas) <= 1: continue if num_annotators_per_annotation is not None and len(vqas) != num_annotators_per_annotation: warnings.warn(f"Expected max. number of annotations to be {num_annotators_per_annotation}, got {len(vqas)} -> cannot compute Fleiss' Kappa") do_kappa = False num_annotators_per_annotation = len(vqas) counter['multiple_annotators'] += 1 categories = dict(binary_discard=Counter(), binary_change_question=Counter(), binary_change_image=Counter()) for vqa in vqas: discard = vqa.get("discard") if discard is not None: categories['binary_discard'][True] += 1 # don't take into account question and image if the VQA triple was discarded # we consider that if the annotator discards the question, then he agrees with, e.g. the one who changes it categories['binary_change_question'][True] += 1 categories['binary_change_image'][True] += 1 else: categories['binary_discard'][False] += 1 categories['binary_change_question'][vqa.get('vq', '').lower() != vqa['old_vq'].lower()] += 1 categories['binary_change_image'][vqa['image'] != vqa['old_image']] += 1 total_pairs = num_annotators_per_annotation*(num_annotators_per_annotation-1) for category, values in categories.items(): n_i = values ns[category].append(n_i) Ps[category].append((sum(n_ij**2 for n_ij in n_i.values())-num_annotators_per_annotation)/total_pairs) all_agree = len(values) == 1 counter[category] += int(all_agree) if not all_agree: disagreements[meerqat_id] = {'vqas': vqas, 'annotator_agreement': categories} print(f"found {counter['multiple_annotators']} questions with at least 2 annotators over {counter['total']} questions") counter['/'] = 'agreements count' if not do_kappa: print(tabulate([counter], headers='keys', tablefmt='latex')) return disagreements kappas = dict.fromkeys(counter.keys(), '') kappas['/'] = "Fleiss' Kappa" # compute Fleiss' Kappa computation # number of annotations with multiple annotators N = counter['multiple_annotators'] # proportion of all discards and keeps ps = {} for category, n in ns.items(): ps[category] = sum(n, Counter()) P_bar_es = {} for category, p in ps.items(): for k, v in p.items(): p[k] /= (N*num_annotators_per_annotation) print(f'Proportion of {category} (should sum to 1): {p[True]}, {p[False]}') P_bar_es[category] = sum(p_j ** 2 for p_j in p.values()) print(f'Sum of squares of p {category}: {P_bar_es[category]}') P_bars = {} for category, P in Ps.items(): P_bars[category] = sum(P)/N print(f'Average of P {category}: {P_bars[category]}') for category in P_bars: P_bar_e = P_bar_es[category] kappas[category] = (P_bars[category] - P_bar_e)/(1 - P_bar_e) print(tabulate([counter, kappas], headers='keys', tablefmt='latex')) return disagreements
[docs]def retrieve_vqa(completion): # "completions" was renamed to "annotations" in labelstudio 1.0 completions = completion.get("completions", completion.get("annotations")) results = completions[0]["result"] data = completion["data"] vqa = dict(question=data["question"], wikidata_id=data["wikidata_id"], answer=data['answer'], image=data['image'], meerqat_id=data['meerqat_id'], old_vq=data['vq'], old_image=data['image']) # make a proper dict out of the results # note that "vq" is present in results even if the user didn't modify it (only absent if skipped) for result in results: key = result["from_name"] values = next(iter(result["value"].values())) # HACK: fix the bug where label-studio saves the original question when updating the annotation # see also if len(values) != 1 and key == 'vq': values = set(values) if len(values) != 1: values.discard(data['vq']) value = next(iter(values)) if len(values) != 1: warnings.warn(f"Found several values for '{key}': {values}") else: value = values[0] vqa[key] = value # update image if necessary change_image = vqa.pop("change_image", None) if change_image is not None: # e.g. "$altimage1caption" -> "altimage1" vqa['image'] = data[change_image[1: -7]] # HACK: fix users were not supposed to cancel task (skip button) without selecting a discard reason # see also if completions[0].get('was_cancelled', False) and vqa.get('discard') is None: vqa['discard'] = 'cancelled' return vqa
[docs]def assign_annotations(todo, start, end, overlap=0): assigned = {} for i in range(start, end - overlap): i = str(i) assigned[i] = todo.pop(i) for i in range(end - overlap, end): i = str(i) assigned[i] = todo[i] return assigned
[docs]def assign(output_path, todo_path, start, end, overlap=0, zip=False, configs=[]): with open(todo_path, 'r') as file: todo = json.load(file) assigned = assign_annotations(todo, start, end, overlap=overlap) output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) with open(output_path/'tasks.json', 'w') as file: json.dump(assigned, file) for config in configs: shutil.copy(config, output_path) if zip: shutil.make_archive(output_path, 'zip', output_path) with open(todo_path, 'w') as file: json.dump(todo, file)
[docs]def agree(dataset_path, agreements_path): dataset = {} with open(dataset_path, 'r') as file: old_dataset = json.load(file) with open(agreements_path, 'r') as file: agreements = json.load(file) for meerqat_id, old_vqas in old_dataset.items(): # handle multiple annotators if meerqat_id in agreements: vqa = agreements[meerqat_id]["vqas"][0] # annotator(s) agreed else: vqa = old_vqas[0] if vqa.get('discard'): continue dataset[meerqat_id] = vqa output_path = dataset_path.parent/f"{dataset_path.stem}-agreed.json" print(f"Saving a dataset of {len(dataset)} questions to '{output_path}'") with open(output_path, 'wt') as file: json.dump(dataset, file)
[docs]def main(): args = docopt(__doc__) completions = args['<path>'] if args['save']: if args['images']: save_images(completions) elif args['merge']: output_path = Path(args['<output>']) merge(output_path, completions) elif args['assign']: output_path, todo_path = Path(args['<output>']), Path(args['<todo>']) start, end, overlap = int(args['<start>']), int(args['<end>']), int(args['--overlap']) zip = args['--zip'] configs = args['<config>'] assign(output_path, todo_path, start, end, overlap=overlap, zip=zip, configs=configs) elif args['agree']: dataset_path, agreements_path = Path(args['<dataset>']), Path(args['<agreements>']) agree(dataset_path, agreements_path)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()