aivancity NLP#
Main repository for the 2024-2025 Natural Language Processing class at aivancity by Paul Lerner (both semesters)
Practical Works#
Practical Work 1: Distributional Semantics/Skipgram/word2vec
Practical Work 2: Transformers
Practical Work 3: Large Language Models
Practical Work 4: Information Extraction
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This class directly builds upon:
Jurafsky, D., & Martin, J. H. (2024). Speech and Language Processing : An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition with Language Models (3rd éd.).
Eisenstein, J. (2019). Natural Language Processing. 587.
Yejin Choi. (Winter 2024). CSE 447/517: Natural Language Processing (University of Washington Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering)
Noah Smith. (Winter 2023). CSE 447/517: Natural Language Processing (University of Washington Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering)
Benoît Sagot. (2023-2024). Apprendre les langues aux machines (Collège de France)
Chris Manning. (Spring 2024). Stanford CS224N: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
Classes where I was/am Teacher Assistant:
Christopher Kermorvant. Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing (ENSAE)
François Landes and Kim Gerdes. Introduction to Machine Learning and NLP (Paris-Saclay)
Also inspired by:
My PhD thesis: Répondre aux questions visuelles à propos d’entités nommées (2023)
Noah Smith (2023): Introduction to Sequence Models (LxMLS)
Kyunghyun Cho: Transformers and Large Pretrained Models (LxMLS 2023), Neural Machine Translation (ALPS 2021)
My former PhD advisors Olivier Ferret and Camille Guinaudeau and postdoc advisor François Yvon
My former colleagues at LISN