aivancity NLP#

Main repository for the 2024-2025 Natural Language Processing class at aivancity by Paul Lerner (both semesters)


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This class directly builds upon:

  • Jurafsky, D., & Martin, J. H. (2024). Speech and Language Processing : An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition with Language Models (3rd éd.).

  • Eisenstein, J. (2019). Natural Language Processing. 587.

  • Yejin Choi. (Winter 2024). CSE 447/517: Natural Language Processing (University of Washington Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering)

  • Noah Smith. (Winter 2023). CSE 447/517: Natural Language Processing (University of Washington Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering)

  • Benoît Sagot. (2023-2024). Apprendre les langues aux machines (Collège de France)

  • Chris Manning. (Spring 2024). Stanford CS224N: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning

  • Classes where I was/am Teacher Assistant:

    • Christopher Kermorvant. Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing (ENSAE)

    • François Landes and Kim Gerdes. Introduction to Machine Learning and NLP (Paris-Saclay)

Also inspired by:

  • My PhD thesis: Répondre aux questions visuelles à propos d’entités nommées (2023)

  • Noah Smith (2023): Introduction to Sequence Models (LxMLS)

  • Kyunghyun Cho: Transformers and Large Pretrained Models (LxMLS 2023), Neural Machine Translation (ALPS 2021)

  • My former PhD advisors Olivier Ferret and Camille Guinaudeau and postdoc advisor François Yvon

  • My former colleagues at LISN