Paul Lerner
I’m a postdoc researcher at Sorbonne Université, CNRS, ISIR. I got my PhD in Multimodal Information Retrieval at Paris-Saclay University (LISN/CNRS lab). I’m currently working on Machine Translation with François Yvon. My PhD advisors were Olivier Ferret (CEA List) and Camille Guinaudeau (LISN). Before my PhD, I already worked with Camille but also with Hervé Bredin, about Multimodal Speaker Diarization, as a research engineer.
I have an engineering degree in Computer Science from ESILV and a master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence from Paris Descartes University (now Paris Cité). During these studies, I did two internships: one at ISIR/CNRS with Catherine Pelachaud and Beatrice Biancardi on Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction, and one at Télécom Paris with Laurence Likforman-Sulem on Parkinson’s Disease detection based on handwriting. See my resume (in French) for further details.
I’m interested in Multimodal and Multilingual Natural Language Processing (and Information Retrieval), with a focus on resources and evaluation.
If you’re interested in my research, you can find a list of my publications here.
I’m also currently Teacher at Aivancity and Teacher Assistant at ENSAE (IP Paris). During my PhD, I was Teacher Assistant at Paris-Saclay University and Polytech Paris-Saclay. More about my teaching activities here.