Paul Lerner

I’m a postdoc researcher at Sorbonne Université, CNRS, ISIR. I got my PhD in Multimodal Information Retrieval at Paris-Saclay University (LISN/CNRS lab). I’m currently working on Machine Translation with François Yvon. My PhD advisors were Olivier Ferret (CEA List) and Camille Guinaudeau (LISN). Before my PhD, I already worked with Camille but also with Hervé Bredin, about Multimodal Speaker Diarization, as a research engineer.

I have an engineering degree in Computer Science from ESILV and a master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence from Paris Descartes University (now Paris Cité). During these studies, I did two internships: one at ISIR/CNRS with Catherine Pelachaud and Beatrice Biancardi on Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction, and one at Télécom Paris with Laurence Likforman-Sulem on Parkinson’s Disease detection based on handwriting. See my resume (in French) for further details (my English resume is slightly outdated).

I’m interested in Multimodal and Multilingual Natural Language Processing (and Information Retrieval), with a focus on resources and evaluation.

If you’re interested in my research, you can find a list of my publications here.

I’m also currently Teacher Assistant at ENSAE (IP Paris). During my PhD, I was Teacher Assistant at Paris-Saclay University and Polytech Paris-Saclay.